Project Management and coordination
Financial and contractual arrangements complete (M1, D1.1)
Data management plan in place (M3, D1.3)
Stakeholder engagement newsletter (M4)
Annual meetings (M5)
Wrap-up meeting (M6)
National top-down, bottom up reconciliation
Annexes compiled for each focus country (M7, D2.1)
Meetings with national inventory teams by PARIS national lead and one other representative (M8, D2.2)
European F-gas emissions evaluation
Complete calendar year of extended and quality-controlled F-gas data (M10, D3.1)
Inverse estimates of European F-gas emissions derived for previous year (M11)
Sector-level CH4 emission quantification
Mobile-platform continuous CH4 isotope measurement campaigns (M12)
New Boreas instrument constructed (M13)
In situ CH4 isotope sampling established at SOAR or LUT (M14)
Quality control previous calendar year of CH4 isotopologue data (M15, D4.1/D4.2)
Inverse estimates of European CH4 emissions for previous year (M16)
Advancing N2O process models and their reconciliation with top-down estimates
Calibrated atmospheric N2O measurements from HUN implemented (M17)
Complete calendar year of extended and quality-controlled N2O data (M18, D5.1)
One growing season of quality-controlled isotope measurements (M19)
Inverse estimates of N2O emissions (M20)
Separation of biosphere and fossil fuel CO2 flux
Blind inverse modelling experiment protocol published (M21)
Continuous APO observations established at Cabauw (M22)
Quality control previous calendar year of APO data (M23, D6.1)
Inverse estimates of fossil fuel CO2 emissions (M24)
Synthetic data inversions complete and modified fluxes unblinded (M25)