Project management and coordination
Updated Data Management Plan (D1.3)
First version of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D1.4)
Second version of the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (D1.5)
National top-down, bottom up reconciliation
Complete Annex to National Inventory Reports (NIR) for each focus country (D2.1)
Inventory compiler meeting feedback report (D2.2)
European F-gas emissions evaluation
New F-gas measurements uploaded to the ICOS portal (D3.1)
F-gas Annex to National Inventory Reports (NIR) for each F-gas focus country (D3.2)
Sector-level CH4 emission quantification
High-frequency CH4 isotope measurements uploaded to the ICOS portal (D4.1)
CH4 isotope source signatures uploaded to the ICOS portal (D4.2)
CH4 Annex to National Inventory Reports (NIR) for each CH4 focus country (D4.3)
Advancing N2O process models and their reconciliation with top-down estimates
High-frequency N2O observations uploaded to the ICOS portal (D5.1)
N2O Annex to National Inventory Reports (NIR) for each N2O focus country (D5.2)
Report on soil processes in N2O biogeochemical models (D5.3)
Separation of biosphere and fossil fuel CO2 flux
High-frequency APO observations uploaded to the ICOS portal (D6.1)
CO2 Annex to National Inventory Reports (NIR) for each CO2 focus country (D6.2)
Report on the detectability of CO2 flux changes (D6.3)
Source attribution for European aerosols
OM observations from Dublin uploaded to public archives (D7.1)
Preliminary emissions of BC for Europe (D7.4)
Final emissions of BC for Europe (D7.2)
Report on aerosol OM source apportionment from focus countries (D7.3)